Avoiding the Quaran15

You can workout inside or out, with or without a trainer, and you can eat healthy at home or order from local businesses. You still have choices when it comes to health and fitness even during lockdown.

Even though your gym is closed and the thoughts of you even returning to it once the dust settles begin to surface in your mind, you can still stay on track with your fitness goals. Even if the gym itself plays a role in the motivation behind your fitness journey, it is important to remember that this is temporary. Your focus should remain rigid but now with an added element of flexibility with how you get there.

Sometimes you need new routines to break out of a fitness plateau anyways. Rather than dwelling about gym closures, it is time to adapt to the temporary changes and make the best of it.

Tier 3+ and online personal trainer, Tim Machado, shares how he is now running outside more and incorporating band resistance exercises to his daily workouts. Many of his clients have switched to Facetime or Zoom workouts to maintain social distance, as well as their goals. Outside of their virtual sessions, Tim provides clients with workout routines to execute independently and nutritional guidance to follow.

Here’s a list of Tim’s quick tips to stay healthy throughout COVID-19:

1. Take a morning and evening walk of at least 10 minutes
2. Create a daily 5 minute mobility routine
3. Perform four 45 minute workouts per week
4. Stick to structure when it comes to nutrition
5. Stay hydrated (at least 1/2 – 2/3 your body weight in water oz. daily)
6. Sleep Hygiene (go to bed and wake up at the same time ever day)

Tim is committed to providing home workouts for you to follow. The different workouts alternate between body weight exercises, band resistance, and dumbbells. Tim will also be posting daily mobility routines for you to try. Check out Tim on instagram for fitness motivation and workouts that will help get you through COVID in one piece. For online training, meal plans, and nutritional guidance, reach out to Tim directly via Direct Message or email. You may even come out of this pandemic in better shape and mindset than you could have ever imagined. 

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